Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Back then when I said I was bored - back then I KNEW NOTHING!!

Yeah, so... I'm trying to think of what crazy types of shit I want to do in Japan. These include, but are not limited to, twin sisters, the sony building, Kyoto and braveing the Pokemon centre (pressuming I can find it) to get a stuffed chancy for lady-boi Robbie.

Does anyone have any ideas they'd like to throw my way? Doubtless, of course, Ro will say there's "A TON of things I could be doing, but not that coz it'll stain" So that should be shway as long as he tells me what those things actually are ;)

At the moment exams are finished but I get my new flat keys on the 10th which just so happens to be the last day that I can stay in halls... So I'm pretty much up here until then... and most people just uped and left pretty quickly which strikes me as sorta weird because there's so much that can be done up here (like socially - with people).

So meah to that. As you may have read about the Biotec dodad I'll clarify - travelling down to Stirling for an award cerimony and lunch just wasn't going to "do it for me baby."
I can but console myself with the other prize I had the misfortune to win (as it cost me some precious hours of "recovary time", or "sleep" as it's been known to be called, when my mother phoned up to tell me about it.) The only cool part is that it's called the "Cardinal prize" which sounds pretty ace, if a bitty too religious for my liking. It's for anatomy by the way.
So so far I've copyed my dad's higher grade and now I have an anatomy prize like my grandfather - who's left to copy? ;) Not that I ever intended to copy, but it seems like I'd get to know my future achievements by seeing what's happened to my family members in the past ;)

meah. Trip to Japan on the 14th should be good! ^-^
However a mysterious headache has just struck me down.. :(
Could be to do with me trying to build my contacts back up in a sort of hap-hazard way...

meah, I'm bored of typing now...



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