Saturday, March 05, 2005

To return to hills. In force.

Whew, I'm so bored/tired and I don't even know why... I can't be assed doing any work and I keep daydreaming whenever I try to read my notes... I think I'm in sort of semi-summerhols mode after the exams... And there's a little test thingy on monday... Uh-oh, does not bode well :(

Anywho the reason I was roused to post was to start organiseing hill-walkie-walk-walk-walks :) Because it's really sunny up here at the moment and it has me in the mood for picnics and hillwalking and frolicing in fields of corn with toby being stupid by my side ;)
I think that's a great idea actually, toby and tara perhaps featureing in a hill-walk.
Anywho, you could like post your term end dates or something and we could go from there, so get all the old crew to post (or at least make them aware coz I only about 3 people read this) and I'll send out an email to peeps. Also any 'new' peoples can be directed to the site or jsut informed - bascially what I'm looking for here is a mass of people to ascend (see what I did there? ;) the hill :) and picnic at the top of course :)
Perhaps some nostalgic (Yes I'm aware we only did it once - but it was great fun :) king seat to start with and then we could adventure out and look for new conquests?
Anywhos the plan is pretty much open for change and dates, anyone interested can post to their hearts content :)

Anywho, I'm off to watch some aclands human anatomy and definatly not procrastinate.....
yeah, sure.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you know that Disney has the third largest navy in the world?

I shit you not.

Sunday, March 06, 2005 8:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

while i'm on it, the Swiss are also the most heavily armed nation in the western wolrd - and also have the highest rate of gunshot homicides in europe.

AND they have a navy...

Sunday, March 06, 2005 8:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AND they've got the oldest regiment in the world, the random swiss guards in Vatican city.

to conclude :), Switerlands history is one of brotherly love, neutrality and friendly commerce, whereas thier Italian neibourghs over the same 4-500 yrs were bitchy, infighting, bloody and constantly at war.

One produced the re-birth of Western cultunre, the other, novelty clocks and a 'damn-handy' pocket knife.

hm, you know there's still meant to be some swiss vaults built very, very deep in the mountains still full of Nazi gold.

...and Hitlers family name was Jewish untill his father changed it.

funny thing actualy, I heard, it was iether Chirac or Putin, accidently put out the 'eternal flame' at Auchvist {sp?} when thier helocpter came down a few years back.

marvellouse things helocopters, you know those flying things in metal gear solid 2 are real? US uses them as recon. Saw actual footage of one in action in the Balklands, no shit.

hm, u know Bismark said 'if there's another european war it'll come out of some silly bisiness in the Balklands'

Moldova gose to the polls today - apparently there's concern over major Russian interferance with the election process, funny how this is also the 2nd Ukranian minister to have been killed recently disapeared in Georgia 2.

I honestly wonder though, what will happen to Kazakstan? with Russia in the north, China to the west and groups of pissed off Sunnis and shi'iates all over the place - apperntly theres a fair few Chechens there aswell.

hm- theres a Chechen Muslim clult that does this amazing dance for around 40 mins while chanting and builds each other up into a state of Euphoria. the dance is pretty decent, looked complicated.

realy makes you think....

Sunday, March 06, 2005 8:51:00 AM  
Blogger Azrael said...

Is that you Hobo?
Stop hijacking my blog! ;)
and you didn't post what you were meant to post! Unless you're just free all the time.

Sunday, March 06, 2005 9:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a hijacker!! well i get off on the 25th methinks... that's it really, ciao stv

Monday, March 07, 2005 4:59:00 PM  

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