Friday, February 18, 2005

mixed feelings and absent dreams

Have been feeling... placcid of late (does that even make sense?), more or less apathetic in any case. But dreams have returned, or perhaps they just made a breif comeback preformance...

I am fencing at the weekend, mainly because the compotition is held 2 mins walk away from where I dwell and I would look kinda lazy if I didn't go... I have to help set up tho... ahh the responsiblities of my "team" top.

I bought a playstation mag recently because there's been a lul in the course which has left me wondering what to do and then slightly depressed because I no longer know how to enjoy myself... I left all my PC games at home and am now craving them, especially come Cossackos even though it takes hours to play them :) I guess I could've practised some fencing or gymed it but... anyway where was I? Ahh yes - the mag has gone up in price (If you can believe it - 6 squid!) but contained a precious precious demo including Timesplitters: furture perfect - looks ace and ace combat 5 - may well buy it, haven't had a decent flying game in ages.

Wow this is boreing and unstructured. Oh well, must press on.

Slightly worried that my technique of "reading over" the lectures turned into a method of "scaning lectures" in these first few weeks as I find myself wondering what the hell's going on when someone mentions a hormone. Especially when I did it as parathyroid hormone was mentioned seeing as we had almost an entire lecture on it... I am Doctor Nick :)

Can I be assed posting one of those quiz thingys? Chances are slim, confidence is low.

see you... cowboy


Blogger Ro said...

Huzzah. Yay for everything indeed.

Anyway. Listen you... stop it. It sounds like your getting good at fencing or something.

asides from that - "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" is the shits and giggles to the excelsium.

Sunday, February 20, 2005 8:38:00 PM  

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