Contra Omnia Spem Vir Repllet
You scored as Justice. Justice- with you is all that is fair and true in the hearts of men.
The Seven Heavenly Virtues created with |
Alas, my life - I dreamed it well,
I have awoken - Thus le petite mori.
One can but wonder at the tragedies of the world, but can not one of the worst be to be considered so lucky in life with a good education, decent wealth, a future career etc whilst emotionally your parents thrust their claws into your chest and squeeze before ripping out whatever they have managed to claw but for the one you love to join in by making an entry via the now tattered remains of your spine into your chest to fetch your heart to gaze apon it before discarding it... Is this not a thing indeed?
In saying all I have said I seem to have painted a very torn picture... Hmm...
Confusion reigns.
Time for some Music Response.
Gabriel, Jesus, Jidithum! Let's roll.
Would this be the correct time to say... "happens in the best families"?