Hey guys, First off apologises to Stv and Dave - I just couldn't bring myself to tell you that this might be the last time you entered my house, my home where I have lived and grown up since I was 5 years old.
Anywho, My parents are splitting up. Well technically they've already split up but they waited until after my exams to tell me. The place I call home will be sold tomorrow and moved into by another family sometime after I have left for Uni. How's them apples?
"Well that's it, sometimes life shits on you. Lets all go get drunk" - My Dad after breaking the news in what I like to call his
Doctor voice.I tell you now not because I personally am afraid to speak it. I merely do not wish to put people in that position of not knowing what to say (as I know none of you would think to hug me).
BTW: I swear to god, if anyone puts down some shitty condolences or trys to offer some sort of insight into the universe I will hunt that person down. In short - Do not insult my intelligence. Just be there for me if you wish.
(and religion is right