Tuesday, January 31, 2006


A long time ago, before there was a me in the sense of what I consciously am at this moment - I played. It was glorious.
I remember snipits. I remember the house before we changed it, again and again. I remember my old room. I remember the night before my first day of school. I remember running home from school the next day- I'm pretty sure I was the only pupil in the entire school that wore the uniform (as may be deduced from the fact that this was before I was "conscious" it was not by choice."
I remember camping at this place, the Sun was unbelievebly bright, but not so much that it hurt the eyes, and the pleasent warmth that was all around. I remember running up an embankment to be struck by the view of an infinite beach. Me holding my little gun (the kind that had the special tapes that made a bang when you pulled the trigger). This, of course, was far before the annals of Dollar. At a time when my family was actually happy. It was not to stay that way for very long.
To wish I was back there... Is that just too sad? The amazing freedom, to be once again lost in my own mind. The games I played - Never a dull moment, you had better believe it.
Maybe what I truely yearn for is that happiness.
I hate this.

Sunday, January 15, 2006


sooo... exams in Febuary and already I'm desperatly trying to dig myself out from underneath all this studying... This had better be worth it.