Sunday, October 23, 2005

Memories of the past, am I blinded by the tint of a Rose?

I have been to many places, places I liked, places to which I can never again return... Places I called my home, Places where I was always warm and there was the one who had eyes for me... And now I find myself here, loveless. My cares and wants barely audible over the low pitched moan of my remorse, my heart now used as a gallows bell.
And so shall I sink into the deep sea of regret my life has now become? Shall I go quietly into the darkness? as society should will of someone like me.
Frightening, amazing, depressing how one summer can hold such a fall from grace, everything to nothing. Every anchor I had, cut in two. Now I drift, feigning life.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Morning after (take #300)

Went out to Jill's housewarming last night, and a nice place it was too. Had all the randoms (Some of whom Jill didn't even know) not been there it would have been better, our group eventually went to condition "K-lee-ki" and we holed up in Jill's bedroom with plenty of booze (some of which was unscrupulously whored from the Kitchen by our shadow operatives whilst Lynsey played to the crowd) and a Massive box of fingers (Stolen by our "hot" operative)
All in all a good time was had, aparently I appeared drunk to at least one member of the household who managed to work her way into our care, but as I did have bottles of wine I think I can handle being thought of as drunk that night ;)

Today I really should study, but studying is losing it's sense of urgency for me. I just don't seem to care as much anymore, and now that I have the internet I can do a TON of things and just not study.
It's so easy to lose track of time when pissing around on the internet...


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Hooray!! Internet in the flat! -Wireless baby ;)

Hooray for me! No more shit uni computers with piss-poor lighting!
Mayhaps I should partake in some of, how you say? Gameing du "on-liné?" ;)

Feeling special! ^-^

Moment has passed...
Now it's back!
(Now to find a copy of limewire ;)

My super special hub can also have up to 4 wired peoples plugged in which includes dun dun dun... The Ps2!! *Beam*

Happy happy procrastinate!

So I have the whole day off today... I really should do some work, and I have to sort my notes out, and I have to prepare to take a history from some random tomorrow...
But then again I could walk all of 7 minutes to Forbidden planet and take advantage of the 3 tokyopop manga for £15... Or I could stay here and catch up on ALL the web-comics that I haven't read for months and also download tons and tons and tons of porn... I mean... videos... and music.... You saw nothing!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Greetings declared bankruptcy as of... hmm.. Ages ago I suppose...
Anywho if anyone accidently sent anything there since uni started you can rest assured that I never saw it. Mainly because I haven't been on the internet for ages.
Antimicrobial Chemotherapy is getting me down : (
I have now signed up to tiscali which will soon be providing my flat with 2mb/s phat love (uncapped baby, oh yeah ;) Send an email to my msn addy if you want to find out my tiscali one.

btw Due to nob-ends like the one that just posted a comment here I'm going to have to make my bl0g a hater of all anonymous posts. I know this'll hit lazy-monkey the most, sorry dude.

Tramp Bear
Tramp Bear

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