Friday, November 26, 2004

Rude gestures and dirty comments.

Learning is fun. Especically when it relates to our friend - The Penis.
Apparently the blood vessels which cause the erection in the penis are held closed by longitudinal muscles innervated by the autonomic system.
For the laymen among you:
A) I'm pretty sure this means you have to relax to get an erection.
B) You can't control it! Muhahaha!
God's final spit in the eye of man.
(he planed equality)

On a related note: I'm not sure if I believe in god, but i'll blame him when it suits me ;)

It also means that a muscle is having to continually contract in order for Mr.Winky to go sleepy-weepy. Hence, it's hard to keep him down all the time (without drugs).
The battlefield is evened out in some measure as the clitorius is also suppied the same way, it's just not so prominant. Well, in most cases anyway re: the woman (sort of) that claimed she was a hermaprodite (can't spell) because she could extend her clitoris up to 6 inchs long when she got aroused (thats bigger than some men! ahh!). I'm not sure of the turgor or use of this... ahem "appendage" when it was... shall we say "activated", but apparently she had sex with it.

There's more but I just don't care enough.


Sunday, November 21, 2004

Is it an african or a European swallow?

I just read some back loggs of H's blog and am now inspired to first:
Post this inane twaddle ->

Well, u-- um, can we come up and have a look?

What Monty Python Character are you?

Und now I shall sprekin to all mine leetle lebchens minen death story!

It begins in the freezeing cold japanese gardens near the school where I spent my fond (*cough* shite) boyhood years - romping with my school chums. Anywho, it was some wank CCF thingy that was set up before (and probaly caused) all the regulations that basically meant that you don't get to have any fun anymore in the CCF. I digress. Allow me to set the scene: It's cold, it wasn't too wet and there were 2 trees and one sort of little valley bit inbetween them. Here's the kicker, there was also 2 peices of rope - one tied to one tree and the other to the other tree. Imagine, if you will, these 2 ropes being tied together and then some nut-job asking you if you'd like to climb from tree to tree across these ropes..... Fret not though! dear fellows, for I had an infallible safty measure (oh. my. god. what was I thinking!?). My fellow squad members stood below me to, and I quote what was told to them, "Catch him if he falls"
But it gets better.
I was then asked to take a jerry can across with me. I'm not sure if you're familiar with jerry cans but lets just say they are not the smallest or lightest of can species. Despite the odds I managed to climb across to the other side (after fiddling around in the centre for awhile trying to get the stupid can over the knot where to 2 ropes joined). It was there I was expected to take me legs off the rope and place them on a less than sturdy looking branch that someone else was standing on aswell. Oh dear. Perhaps luckliy in a way, I never had to stand on that branch. As my feet left the rope the rest of me decided that wherever my feet were going was probaly better than where it was now. It was wrong. I don't remember how exactly how I fell but it was sort of on my head and shoulder, shortly after which I tumbled into a little river/burn (which I forgot to mention earlier) where I sort of stayed face down and blacked out. Then next thing I remember is sitting on a bank of grass with somebody asking me to stay awake and please not go into a coma.
Wisef00l can validate this story.
oh! I also remember someone shouting "You were supposed to catch him!"

Post your death story now! and win a prize (in a completely unrelated competition. maybe.

Saturday, November 20, 2004


This is not a warning for any of you out there. I'm not that sad/arrogant that I think I could impart some glorious little gem of information to you all.
This warning is solely for me.

Don't drink that much again!!! EVER!
Stop getting wasted and mixing things!!! IT'S NOT GOOD!
Think of what you'll have to show for it tomorrow! Cut, bruises and broken watches/spectacles!
Just No!

Whew, I feel better.
Actually thats a lie, I still feel like shit.
I think a stop on the whole heavy drinking thing is in order. I don't even like bars & clubs that much... Well, at least until 2006. Roll-on smokeing ban in pubs & restaurants!

In other news: Am horribley behind in anatomy because while we were meant to be studing the lower limb I revised for the anatomy test that didn't have any lower limb elements.....
I'm going to blame the establishment for this one.
Hmm... somehow that reminded me of dave and his immortal words "Why don't you just buy cable in falkirk and take in back to dollar then!?"

I think I'm going to have a post that we can all laugh at in the years to come. And you'll be able to put a quote in the comments box and then I'll edit the post to add it in :)
I'll call it: "Retarded things that my friends and I have said"

Well listening to classic fm sooths the savage beast, but then I remembered that i'm watching that sexual tyranasour Aclands and his "fresh flesh" dissections on DVD (I didn't buy it - it's on the uni computers). Also just remembered that my room still smells like barf. Parents coming tomorrow.... Oh well, maybe I'll just happen to run into them as they come the halls :)

I played halo 2 today. Deathmatch unfortunatly but I have been promised a go at the tasty looking 2 player co-operative mode. I oWned poor joe's ass. He's gone in a huff now after I killed him 5 times and he only got me once :D
[it's joe's Xbox and game]

see you.... cowboy

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

A subject of much conjecture, speculation and other big important words

namely - my ass.
It's starting to hurt.
I spend tooooooo much time sitting on my ass everyday, but it's not my fault! Damn this medicine malarky! Why don' they just turn it into a 7 year course so i'll be able to get up from studing sometime and actually go do something.
Hmmm... well at least during the weekends I get to move. Sometimes.

However, I most often find myself sitting and performing one of 3 actions:
you don't want to know

Actually, I do spend morning and evenings preforming the daily ritual of walking away from campus to go to ethier the stupid ass Marshall collage where we do anatomy and have lectures (takes ~30mins) or the Foresterhill hospital (~30 mins aswell).
So much for my halls of resisdence being "close to all the lecture theatres" so that I could "get up at 8:55 and still make my 9:00 lecture". Yeah right.

Well, that's enough bitching methinks.

In other news, I haven't heard from the stalker. This is good.
In other other news, I met a mentally disturbed criminal pateint today. Fabulous. Of course I can't give any more details so you'll have to use your imagination.

Read the "duties of a doctor" today.
Respect thy fellow doctor, he is your brother.

theres more, but I think i'm going to save one for each post so lesser men don't expload with joy at the thought of such an archic system (that is sooo cool) is holding the doctors of today and tomorrow together.
Yes, we're all freemasons.

Hmm. chow now, catch y'all later.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

The City of Dis - Heritcalishious

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful)High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Moderate
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very High
Level 7 (Violent)Very High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Moderate

Take the Dante's" Inferno Test

Saturday, November 13, 2004

It took some time but here I am - posting to the world.

Well, I've finally caved. Wisef00 will be happy (That I caved, not that i'm blogging)
Duckman Drake reporting to report ;)

Now for my first profound web-statement: "life is like a box of chocolates"

Sorry to all those whose nice blogs I may have insulted in the past little whiley, I haven't been feeling to great of late - so just sorry okay. I don't think I do change particularly well and towards the begining of the summer there my thoughts dwelled on the unforsable future. Like yoda I am.

Well this blog is not a place I'm going to post the "heavy" (well, not often at least)

Some of you may know me, some of you may not.
Some of you may dislike me, some of you may not.
Let the judgeing begin here.

Anywho, I've got GTA:San Andreas - so that's pretty much my grades gone but luckly there's no real exams that count towards anything until January. I have alot to learn and not alot of time to do it but hey-ho posting is mildly more interesting than craming all the muscles of the arm and leg into my head (there are far too many of those).

It's getting quite cold up here in Aberdeen now and I just found out that I have a stalker that has tracked me from Grangemouth (i've never seen her before in my life). She knows my name, me dad (less worringly she knows that hes a doctor), she also knows my sister and where my home in grangemouth is (more worring).

Grammer and punctuation and spelling do not really get a look-in on this blog, so I wouldn't bother commenting on it (unless it's funny)

Hope your haveing fun in life.