Wednesday, July 04, 2007


I think I'm having panic attacks....

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Easter Fun!

So yeah, technically I'm studying for exams. However, as is usual around this time, I've start thinking about playing games... Well, not just games - games with worthy opponents. Which is were you guys come in ;)

So I have 6 weeks this Easter because after that I start on Wards full time and really take it in the pants for the rest of my days. So instead of just masterbating near constantly I thought I might invite some likely chaps up to my humble abode for... a week say?

Now, I still have to find out what my flatmate is up to re: Easter. But you know... this is important! I have a Cube and Ps2 and decent games for both (as you all know). So console entertainment alone could probably hold us for a week if we re-visited all our old favourites ;)
But, it would be cool if people could bring up HaRDWarZ(tm). Maybe get Dave or myself to scoot up with both man and machine onboard? Yes, I mean..... RoadTrip! *Crushes beer can against face.

Speaking of B33r, it shall flow freely I have no doubt along with other beverages le alcoholic ;p If it's going to be a week long fest we could just club together and grab a whole load of shit at the start. Or beer-run with our hangovers every morning ;)

Also, kinda want to show you guys that italian place (With real Italians!).

I also think we should get a checklist of what we want to do would be a good rough guide. Shall we start with:
1. Drink beer/other alcoholic beverage
2. More beer/other alcoholic beverage
3. Play
4. Manhandle Lex (because that was so much fun at Dave's ^^)
5. Shout "DAVID!!" Alot (which we forgot to do at Dave's party)
6. Play smash until our eyes bleed and still find it as exciting as ever ^^
7. Watch some more Red vs. Blue
8. Perhaps some of the more recent South Park's? There are actually really funny :)
9. I have Ghost in the Shell 2
10. Wow, we will probably definatly need a week
11. Wow, I really need to get back to work :'(

Anywho, the reason I'm posting this now is for a number of reasons:
A) Alot of you have a tendency to be going somewhere else when I demand your pressence the day before I want you to arrive ;)
B) If we get this sorted early we can either get a car thing sorted or you can book trains for dirt cheap.
C) So far this has just been my crazy day-dreaming thoughts - now I need your crazy day-dreaming thoughts ;p
D) I have no idea when you guys are on holiday. So if you comment on this post with your holiday times that would be smashing ^^ I offically start hols on 28th or something but my last exam is on the 20th of March.

So yeah, comment with thoughts, feelings and holiday times! ^^

Me 23rd March - 7th May
Alex 24th March - 8th April
Dave 28th March - 28 April
Rory 10th April - 20th April (busy4-9)
Sandy 19th March - 28th March and 4th April - 12th April
Stephen ?

So in summary - Rory and Sandy are being little bitches, but Tom and Stephen are being bigger bitches... hmm... Sandy is busy the moment Dave gets off at the start. Rory may be off earlier than the 2nd April but doesn't know. Alex goes back just as Rory gets off... from whatever it is he's doing... Grrr, both Sandy and Rory have things smack in the middle of their holidays which kinda fuck this up. I have 18 days for Summer this year but 6 weeks for Easter... Why?
Well... I don't know, someone comment with something ingenious.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Random Quiz stolen off Lex

Thursday, June 01, 2006


8 days left before E-day.
Gameplan as follows:
Day 1 - Self-learning packages and finish understanding musculoskeletal, Start Neurology
Days 2+3 - finsh Neurology
Day 4 - Endocrine
Day 5 - Diabetes
Days 6+7 - Urinary
Day 8 - Oh shit! OH SHIT! shitshitshitshitshit, what the fuck was I thinking!? Who's fucking idea was it to go to medical school!? Oh shit! FUCK!

me: eh... hello
Examiner: welcome
me: *whimper*
Examiner: Take your positions
me: *sits down*
Examiner: No, not like that.
me: What?
Examiner: lie with your stomach on the desk
me: ............ that..... that doesn't sound right.....
Examiner: Don't talk, just take your trousers down.
me: Uh, that doesn't... *notices Examiner holding something behind his back*... What's that?
Examiner: It's nothing, now take down those trousers boy, underwear and all.
me: You definatly have something back there... It looks heavy... *meagal whimper*
Examiner: OBEY!
me: Ahh!... Just... *takes pants down*
Examiner: Eyes forward
me: ...
*Cue red mist and screams of damnation*
Examiner: (froth spraying from mouth) NOW YOU SHALL EXPERIENCE TRUE SUFFERING!!
me: Oh SHIT! What the hell is that thing!? Why is it glowing!? THAT DOESN'T FIT THERE!!!
Examiner: RAh!!!! Vibratron 4000!!! It'll split you in two little boy! *Roar*

5 hours later:
scene of me lying on the floor, passed out, with an asshole 10cm in diameter. Sperm dribbling from my mouth.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Great, now I have to advertise for a flatmate. Again.
"Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I think I'll go out the back and eat worms"
Not that I have a back garden. Although there is a sort of little back area. But I don't think there's any grass there, it's all pavement slabs I think. But they are uneven and some grass does poke through... Don't think there'll be any worms though. Worms probably turn up their, whatever passes for noses when you're a worm, at it. It's like a representation of my life - shit.
You know what you don't hear people say often enough? Diorama. Diorama. That's what I'm taking about.
Oh well, back to work. The wicked shall pay.

Sunday, March 19, 2006


The Hanged Man
You scored 77 change, 32 wellbeing, 63 wisdom, and 59 truth

The Hanged Man represents reversal of view. The significance of this card is that everything isnĀ¹t as it appears to be on the surface. The man appears to be hanging but in fact he is in perfect control and balanced and centered within himself. He sees all of the others with there problems and the err in there ways and yet they look at him as though he is upside down, when in fact, he has perfect vision.

some extra words:

letting go
having an emotional release
accepting what is
surrendering to experience
ending the struggle
being vulnerable and open
giving up control
accepting God's will

turning the world around
changing your mind
overturning old priorities
seeing from a new angle
upending the old order
doing an about-face

suspending action
pausing to reflect
feeling outside of time
taking time to just be
giving up urgency
living in the moment
waiting for the best opportunity

being a martyr
renouncing a claim
putting self-interest aside
going one step back to go two steps forward
giving up for a higher cause
putting others first

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

Tuesday, January 31, 2006


A long time ago, before there was a me in the sense of what I consciously am at this moment - I played. It was glorious.
I remember snipits. I remember the house before we changed it, again and again. I remember my old room. I remember the night before my first day of school. I remember running home from school the next day- I'm pretty sure I was the only pupil in the entire school that wore the uniform (as may be deduced from the fact that this was before I was "conscious" it was not by choice."
I remember camping at this place, the Sun was unbelievebly bright, but not so much that it hurt the eyes, and the pleasent warmth that was all around. I remember running up an embankment to be struck by the view of an infinite beach. Me holding my little gun (the kind that had the special tapes that made a bang when you pulled the trigger). This, of course, was far before the annals of Dollar. At a time when my family was actually happy. It was not to stay that way for very long.
To wish I was back there... Is that just too sad? The amazing freedom, to be once again lost in my own mind. The games I played - Never a dull moment, you had better believe it.
Maybe what I truely yearn for is that happiness.
I hate this.